Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

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Sunday worship schedule

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II, no music

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with choir


Noon Holy Eucharist with healing


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Holy Trinity News and Notices


Holy Trinity's stewardship campaign is happening this month. Please join us in praying for the financial health of our congregation and consider how you can support this church and its ministry. Pledge cards can be picked up in the narthex, or you can fill them out online at bit.ly/HolyTrinityPledge. If you have questions, reach out to Nan Fiebig, Laura Hakala, or Susannah Skiver Barton. Thank you for the gifts you share!


Ways to Help Holy Trinity Fresh Start Program



March 2025


The Stewardship Committee focuses on the creation, care, and connection of God's gifts to our parish. This includes creating sustainability by identifying parishioners' spiritual gifts, connecting people and ministries, and educating them about financial giving. If interested, please call the office at (910)484-2134 or email admin@htechurch.org.

If you are involved with Sunday School, Youth, or a Vestry Member, please check your inboxes for an invitation to begin your safe church training. Invitations to other ministry volunteers will be sent out in August.

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Sweet Tea Shakespeare
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